Fibromyalgia Massage
Fibromyalgia Massage for Pain Relief and Flexibility
Fibromyalgia massage therapy is very popular with fibromyalgia patients. Many people suffering from Fibromyalgia consider massage therapy as the treatment option of choice.
Our Fibromyalgia Massage Therapy Is Hands On
Fibromyalgia symptoms range from from “generalized achiness” to trigger point sensitivity to completely debilitating pain over the entire body. Our fibromyalgia massage therapy manipulates your muscles and soft tissues in order to provide relief from pain, relieve stress, increase your flexibility and also provide you a peaceful, relaxing experience. Done with the hands, a variety of techniques from Myofascial Release, CranioSacral Therapy and Reflexology are blended into a unique, pain-relieving experience.
Massage Gives Pain Relief
Massage therapy is one of the most beneficial treatments for fatigue and pain caused by Fibromyalgia. Research studies report decreases of pain symptoms in 38% of patients after receiving just ten 30-minute sessions of massage therapy for Fibromyalgia pain. It is clear that significant pain relief is possible with a program of Fibromyalgia massage. A significant improvement in their sleeping was also reported: Fibromyalgia sufferers slept longer periods of time, and, they were less disturbed by a variety of sleep disorders, after Fibromyalgia massage sessions.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
Specific benefits of massage therapy for fibromyalgia reported by our patients include:
– Improved blood circulation in the muscles, facilitating muscle repair
– Enhanced flexibility
– Better range of motion
– Reduction of stress and incidence of depression
– Significant pain relief
– Reduced stiffness
– Better sleep patterns
As part of our Fibromyalgia massage sessions we provide Nutritional information and recommend specific techniques gleaned from over a decade of successfully facilitating Fibromyalgia support groups.
For more information about Fibromyalgia massage,
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